Weight Management

Firstly, you should be able to easily feel and count your dog’s ribs when you lightly run your fingers across the side.

Excess weight can reduce your pet’s life expectancy by more than two years. Keeping your pet at a healthy weight lowers his/her risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, respiratory disease, kidney disease, and also some forms of cancer. It can also reduce the risks of injury to bones, joints and muscles that are associated with excess weight.

If your pet has arthritis, keeping him/her at a healthy weight makes it easier to manage the discomfort that is associated with joint pain. Due to the fact that this excess weight can reduce your pet’s life expectancy by more than two years, keeping your pet trim gives them the best chance of a longer, healthier, and pain-free life.

Bring your pet for a free weight evaluation. Let us help you manage your pet’s weight.